Friday, May 1, 2009

She's Out - Nabesna Road is Washed Out In At Least One Location

Well, we knew if was just a matter of time. With spring time snow depths of two to three feet and day time temperatures in the 50's to low 60's, high run-off was a certainty. Water levels will rise as the day warms up.

Note: The next Nabesna Road update will be on Monday, May 4, 2009. We will update the report sooner if conditions change or more information becomes available. Thanks to neighbors Tom and Berta for some of the information.

Nabesna Road is in fair to poor condition. The road is mostly dry but there are some muddy patches that are slick. Water is crossing the road in numerous locations. Use caution as muddy water limits visibility, making it difficult to see possible channels.

Mile 20 has water crossing the road in a greater volume than the culvert can handle. This is causing erosion of the road surface and may create channels across the road.

Rock Creek (Mile 20.5) has a larger volume of water than the culvert can handle and is running down the drainage ditch. Watch for erosion of the driving surface especially close to the ditches.

Trail Creek (Mile 29) Unknown – we were unable to reach that point in the road but suspect a moderate to high flow of water across the road with the possibility that channels have formed. Four wheel drive and medium to high clearance are recommended beyond this point.

Lost Creek (Mile 30.8) Same as above.

Chalk Creek (Mile 31.5) The road is washed out at this point. Water has overflowed a secondary culvert and trenched a channel close to 3 feet deep. Gravel around the was out is very soft.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3)
has shallow water flowing across the road. Most of the ice is gone so the crossing is passable by any vehicle.

Intermittent Drainages beyond Jack Creek (Mile 35.3) have shallow water crossing the road.

Insider Tip:

Hey, how's this for a cool photo. Lee took this at about 8:00 this morning at just one of the many places where water is crossing the road.

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