Friday, April 24, 2009

Slopo Glopo

I don't know if those are words or not but they sure do describe Nabesna Road today. We got any where from four to six inches of heavy wet snow last night so gone is the mostly dry road we had been enjoying. This morning when I left the house it was still snowing lightly. Now at about 1:00 p.m. there is a light breeze and the partly cloudy. Things are melting so every thing you see in these photos will be much muddier now and probably all weekend.

The really wonderful thing about mornings like these is that mine are the first vehicle tracks on the road. I could see the tracks of all the animals that had crossed the road since the snow let up. There were lots and lots of caribou tracks but also Snow Shoe Hare, Red Squirrels, lynx and moose.

Note: The next Nabesna Road update will be on Monday, April 27, 2009.

Road Conditions:
Nabesna Road is in
fair condition. The entire 42 miles of the road are wet and muddy. Snow pa

tches are slick especially around corners.

Trail Creek (Mile 29)

has shallow standing water.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3)
has shallow water flowing across the road. Most of the ice is gone so the crossing is passable by any vehicle.

Insider Tips:

Keep in mind that as this new snow and winter’s accumulation melts, conditions at the three water crossings can change rapidly. That includes Trail Creek, Lost Creek and Boyden Creek. In addition, intermittent drainages between Mile 35 and 42 can also carry high volumes of water across the road. Things will start melting faster now as night time lows hover at the freezing mark.

Wildlife Sightings:

Caribou x45 (4/23, 4/24)

Lynx x1 (4/22)

Moose x5 (4/22, 4/24)

Great Gray Owl (4/22)

Great Horned Owl (4/24)

Golden Eagle x3 (4/22, 4/24)

Northern Harrier x4 (4/22, 4/23, 4/24)

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