Wednesday, April 29, 2009

55 Degrees and Melting Fast!

We knew it would happen. Spring run off has started. Night time temperatures are staying above freezing and day time highs have been above 50 for the last three days in a row. Pussy willows are out in force and the cottonwoods are showing signs of life. The caribou are still around and the snowshoe hares and ptarmigan are busy changing color.

Note: The next Nabesna Road update will be on Friday, May 1, 2009.


Nabesna Road is in good to fair condition
. The road is mostly dry but there are some muddy patches that are slick.

Mile 20 has water crossing the road in a greater volume than the culvert can handle. This may cause erosion of the road surface.

Rock Creek (Mile 20.5) has a larger volume of water than the culvert can handle and is running down the drainage ditch. If the ice in the culvert melts, this could correct the problem. As it is now, watch for erosion of the driving surface especially close to the ditches.

Trail Creek (Mile 29) has shallow standing water.

Lost Creek (Mile 30.8) has a moderate flow of water across the road and has begun to form a channel. Low clearance vehicles should use caution.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3)
has shallow water flowing across the road. Most of the ice is gone so the crossing is passable by any vehicle.

Intermittent Drainages beyond Jack Creek (Mile 35.3) have shallow water crossing the road.

Insider Tips:

This morning there was no water crossing the road at Mile 20 or at Lost Creek. In just 4 hours the water came up significantly. Use caution and remember that just because you made it across in the morning doesn’t mean you’ll get back across at the end of the day.

Wildlife Sightings:

Caribou x45 (4/27, 4/28, 4/29)

Moose (4/27, 4/29)

Arctic Ground Squirrel (4/27, 4/29)

Boreal Owl (4/27)

Junco (4/27)

Snow Bunting (4/27)

Ptarmigan (4/27)

American Robin (4/27, 4/29)

Sandhill Cranes (4/27)

Swans (sp?) (4/27, 4/28, 4/29)

Mallard Ducks (4/29)

Yellow Legs (sp?) (4/29)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Slopo Glopo

I don't know if those are words or not but they sure do describe Nabesna Road today. We got any where from four to six inches of heavy wet snow last night so gone is the mostly dry road we had been enjoying. This morning when I left the house it was still snowing lightly. Now at about 1:00 p.m. there is a light breeze and the partly cloudy. Things are melting so every thing you see in these photos will be much muddier now and probably all weekend.

The really wonderful thing about mornings like these is that mine are the first vehicle tracks on the road. I could see the tracks of all the animals that had crossed the road since the snow let up. There were lots and lots of caribou tracks but also Snow Shoe Hare, Red Squirrels, lynx and moose.

Note: The next Nabesna Road update will be on Monday, April 27, 2009.

Road Conditions:
Nabesna Road is in
fair condition. The entire 42 miles of the road are wet and muddy. Snow pa

tches are slick especially around corners.

Trail Creek (Mile 29)

has shallow standing water.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3)
has shallow water flowing across the road. Most of the ice is gone so the crossing is passable by any vehicle.

Insider Tips:

Keep in mind that as this new snow and winter’s accumulation melts, conditions at the three water crossings can change rapidly. That includes Trail Creek, Lost Creek and Boyden Creek. In addition, intermittent drainages between Mile 35 and 42 can also carry high volumes of water across the road. Things will start melting faster now as night time lows hover at the freezing mark.

Wildlife Sightings:

Caribou x45 (4/23, 4/24)

Lynx x1 (4/22)

Moose x5 (4/22, 4/24)

Great Gray Owl (4/22)

Great Horned Owl (4/24)

Golden Eagle x3 (4/22, 4/24)

Northern Harrier x4 (4/22, 4/23, 4/24)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Honestly I love Alaska and especially Nabesna all the time. However, if I had to pick a time to be away from the state, it would be mid-April through the first part of May. Things around Nabesna are pretty muddy and that can make the road just as slick as ice. But the willow catkins are coming out - that's pussy willows for us non-botanist types - and that is a sure sign of spring.

Note: The next Nabesna Road update will be on Friday, April 24, 2009.

Nabesna Road is in good condition
. Most of the snow is gone from the road. There are some muddy areas. Be sure to carry a spare tire.
Boyden Creek
(Mile 34.3) is building up ice and has water crossing the road. Low clearance vehicles should use caution. Breaking through ice can be hard on vehicles and get you stuck (see 4/13/09 entry).

Insider Tips:
The ptarmigan and hare are starting their spring time molt. The white that hid them so well all winter makes them stick out like sore thumbs during this transition period. Ermine, or short tailed weasels, will also change from white to their summer brown. Arctic fox also change from white to black/brown but we don't have them in the Wrangell's.

Wildlife Sightings:
Lynx (4/20/09)

Moose x2 (4/20/09)
Caribou x15 (4/20/09)
Merlin x1 (4/19/09)

Northern Harrier x1 (4/20/09)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caribou on the Move

If the caribou traffic was heavy on Monday, today it was the equivalent of stop and go traffic. Seeing these beautiful animals is just one of the perks of an April visit to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Most of the animals in these photos are cows and calves. They look like they came through the winter in good shape.

Road Conditions:
Nabesna Road is in good condition
. Most of the snow is gone from the road. There are some muddy areas. Be sure to carry a spare tire.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3)
is building up ice and has water crossing the road. Low clearance vehicles should use caution. Breaking through ice can be hard on vehicles and get you stuck (see 4/13/09 entry).

Insider Tips: Another bonus of caribou traffic - wolves follow these migrations. So if you've never seen a wolf in the wild, this migration might be a good opportunity. The bottom line is - get out there. You can't see it from the recliner.

Wildlife Sightings:
Caribou x200 (4/15/09) Northern Hawk Owl (4/14/09) Bald Eagle (4/14/09)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nabesna Road Traffic Alert - Caribou Refuse to Give Up Right-of-Way

We have enjoyed seeing caribou all winter but it is especially thrilling to see them crossing Nabesna Road on their way to calving grounds. Because of the deeper than usual snow they are making use of the road much the way that we do - they can make time. But the caribou don't like to get off the road and leap into the deeper snow berms that line the road. Now that the surface of the snow is getting crusty, they risk injury as well. So, Lee and I suggest that when you get behind a group of caribou who just don't want to let you by, slow down and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. I always remind myself that I could be stuck in Seattle traffic or LA!

Road Conditions:
Nabesna Road is in good condition. Most of the snow is gone from the road. There are some muddy areas. Be sure to carry a spare tire.
Boyden Creek (Mile 34.3) is building up ice and has water crossing the road. Low clearance vehicles should use caution. Breaking through ice can be hard on vehicles and get you stuck (voice of experience).

Insider Tips:
Just this winter I misread the ice at Trail Creek (Mile 29.0) and dropped through about six inches of snow into a deep hole. Even with four wheel drive I couldn't get out. In fact, I just managed to get more stuck. Thanks to our good neighbors at Sportsmen's Paradise Lodge who pulled my truck out, I was able to go on my way. Help can be a long way away on Nabesna Road and despite the caribou traffic, you are not likely to meet many, it any, vehicles. Your cell phone may work as far down the road as Long Lake (Mile 22.9) but don't count on it. No matter what time of year you visit, be prepared with extra food, water, appropriate outdoor gear, and some common sense.

Wildlife Sightings:
Caribou x25 - 30 (daily)
Golden Eagle (4/13/09)

Friday, April 10, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

It's great to be home. Five days in Anchorage is plenty. The weather was great while I was there - always a bonus. It was even nice enough a couple of days to sit on a park bench and eat my lunch. Thank goodness for good friends like Dean and Joan who provided a place to stay and a desk with computer to check e-mail. Pearl, our Corgi, injured a disk in her neck necessitating the unplanned trip. She's doing better and we are back into our familiar routine.

I took this photo this morning from Nabesna Road, mile 36 looking southwest toward the Skookum Volcano Formation. The north sides of the mountains still have a lot of snow. Our day time temperatures have been in the mid-30's but night temperatures are still dropping to zero or lower. So, the melting and thawing are slow but none-the-less coming.

Road Conditions:

  • Nabesna Road is in good condition. Slana had about 2" of snow last night so there may be some icy conditions in that area.
  • Boyden Creek, mile 34.3, has some water crossing the road and freezing at night. As of noon today, the water and ice are shallow but this could change as temperatures continue to warm. This photo of the Boyden Creek road crossing was taken this morning at 10:30 looking south.

Insider Tips:

Time is
running out for making it to Tanada Lake or Copper Lake for ice fishing. Snowmachine trail conditions are still good.

The Mentasta Caribou herd's migration route may not be exactly what you would expect. They travel north in the winter where the snow isn't so deep, making foraging for moss and lichen,
mainstays of the their diet, easier. Then in the spring the cows and calves head for calving grounds to the south on the slopes of Mt. Sanford and Drum.

Wildlife Sightings:

After a week of no
caribou sightings, they were back in force today.
  • Caribou x60 (4/10/09)
  • Moose x2 (4/10/09)
  • Snowshoe Hare (daily)
  • Snow Buntings (4/09, 4/10/09)
  • Lapland Longspurs (4/09/09)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sorry, I've Been Away

Hello Everyone,

I have been in Anchorage since shortly after my last posting. I apologize for not updating road conditions. I am told by Lee who is at home delivering mail and taking care of chickens, that the road is in good shape. He says that the weather is glorious. I'll be heading home tomorrow with Pearl (see Pearl of Nabesna Blogs from Jack Creek). I will provide a full update on Friday, April 10, 2009.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Winter Hasn't Let Go Yet!

We woke up this morning to a chilly house. Granted, we hadn't stoked the fire too much last night because it has been staying right around zero. This morning we had -20F! Certainly a reminder that in Alaska, winter, or at least winter-like conditions, last through April. High overcast has moved in this morning and the forecast is for snow showers.

Road Conditions:
  • Nabesna Road is in good condition
  • Watch for ice at Skookum Creek (Mile 40.5)
  • The Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT) is working on the road at Skookum Creek.
Insider Tips:
As the days warm up into the 20's and low 30's the snow develops an icy crust. So while the snow isn't as deep, it gets more difficult to get around on. Even though we are still below 32 degrees, on a sunny day moisture is evaporating.
Still, there's a little time left to enjoy the snow and long days before it gets too crunchy.

Wildlife Sightings:
We are seeing quite a few moose right now. They are beginning to move from winter feeding areas to calving areas. The caribou seem to have moved on toward their calving grounds on the slopes of Mt. Sanford and Mt. Drum.

Moose (4/2, 4/3)
Snow Buntings (daily)
Snowshoe Hare (daily)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools (If You're Not Here!)

What a way to start April. It is in the upper 20's in the Nabesna area with mostly clear skies. There's nothing like a few days in Anchorage to make you fall in love with this place all over again. With Mt. Redoubt erupting or spewing ash and steam on a regular basis, Anchorage seemed even less appealing than usual. Thankfully, very little of Mt. Redoubt's ash has made it out here. This is a nice view of Mt. Sanford looking south from Nabesna Road. Lee took this at 10:30 this morning.

Road Conditions:
  • Nabesna Road is in good condition.
  • Watch for ice at Skookum Creek (Mile 40.5).

Insider Tips: Most of the road is still snow packed but there is a lot of dirt and rock showing through. That means flat tire season isn't far away. Make sure you have at least one spare tire in good repair with you (as well as a jack and lug wrench). We usually keep two with us.

Wildlife Sightings:
Moose - 4/1
Spruce Grouse - 4/1
Snow Buntings - Daily